Braces 101

Hi Guys!

As you might know, I had braces. A lot of you guys might need them too, or already had them. But for the ones who've got them or will have them soon, I've got some tips to make it a little bit better!
So yah let's start :)


  • If you like to smile with your teeth, do it! Don't let those stupid braces stop you from being confident about your smile.
  • Do me a favor and brush your teeth as often as possible with an electric toothbrush. It'll be so much easier AND your teeth will stay white for a longer time.
  • LISTEN TO YOUR ORTHODONTIST!!! You'll thank me later ;)
  • When your braces are tightened your teeth will hurt. But, if you eat "soft" food that isn't too hard to bite, it'll be so much less painful!
  • If you have too much pain, please take painkillers! Don't say that you can handle the pain if you can't. Just take them, you'll feel so much better, believe me!


  •  DO NOT eat yellow curry saus!!! Just don't.
  • The same thing for an apple. They just don't go together.
  • The first thing you'll need to do when you've just got your braces, will be choosing a color. And please don't pic a bright, fluo-ish color. Instead you should experiment with colors that you know will suit you.
  • I know braces ar no fun at all, but don't let them ruin your day, mood, ...
  • Have you got elastics? Wear them! 'Cause if you don't you'll regret it later.

Those where a few tips, I hope they helped you (if you got braces of course). These are things that I've learned in the time that I've had braces, but please remember, I'm not an orthodontist. So if you need some real professional advice, please go to them. If you've got some questions about my experience with braces, you can comment them below!

That's it for today, thanks for reading! If you want to get a notification every time I post something, you should definitely subscribe. And I will see you guys next time!

-XOXO Miek


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