What I've Learned This Month

Hi guys!

It's been a while, I know... But I'm back and the first thing that I wanted to talk about is what I've learned in March! Because, in this month I realized and learned a LOT. So if you're interested, keep on reading!


It's okay to lose a friend you've really cared about. You've both changed and that doesn't make the other person bad or something, you just don't really 'belong' together anymore... Even if you can't stand the other person anymore, just say the truth. Don't go and say nasty things about that person behind his or hers back, cause that's just mean. Oh and remember you'll still have you're other friends or maybe you'll make new ones! Just know that everything will be alright in the end, and that what is happening right now is going to help you to get there. Like I always say, "What is meant to be, will be.", remember that.


Be careful who you trust. It may seem strange but believe me just be! Because some people, no matter how long you've known them, just aren't trustworthy. So take you're time to really get to know this person before you tell them you're biggest secrets, cause you'll regret it in the end if he or she turns out to be a real gossiper.


This one I've already learned in the beginning of the year, but this month I lost track of it and it gave me a LOT of stress. I'm talking about 'planning'. Like I've said I didn't really do a lot of planning this month, and that gave me a lot of stress! So next month I'll try to do better, cause my busy life just needs to be planned.

Those were a few things I've learned this month. I hope this article helped you if you're going through the same stuff. If so, let me know in the comments!

That's it for today, thanks for reading! If you want to get a notification every time I post something, you should definitely subscribe. And I will see you guys next time!

-XOXO Miek


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