Hi guys!

a few days ago I asked you on Instagram if you had a few questions for me, and I got A LOT of questions! So today I'm going to answer your questions. Let's begin!

What job do you want to have when you're older?

I don't exactly know yet, but it would be nice if I could be the boss of a company. #GIRLBOSS

Would you rather have 1 million subscribers or 1 million views?

For the ones who didn't knew it, I have a YouTube channel: Miek Jacobs. So if you want you can subscribe to me. It would make me very happy :) But to answer the question I think I would go for 1 million subscribers, because that would be so cool!

What would be the first thing you'd do if you had 1 million euros?

That's a tough one! But I think I would donate a part a part of it to a charity for animals (cause I'm a BIG animal lover).

Why did you want to start a blog?

I've always wanted to start one! Cause every time I'm reading one I think it's so inspiring. But I just didn't knew how and when to start one, and even if I did I didn't knew If I would go through with it. Eventually I just started one cause I thought why not?! And I still don't regret my decision.

Why do you wright you're blog in English?

Because I really love the language and my YouTube channel is in dutch (cause I started when I was 12), so I thought let's try! And I really like it. Of course it's not 'perfect' English but I'm doing the best I can!

What's the most important thing in you're life?

My friends and family! 

Do you have siblings?

Nope. I'm an only child!

Do you look up to a YouTuber?

Yes! I look up to 2 YouTubers. The first one is Alisha Marie, because she's just such a down to earth person. And the second one is Nona Van Braeckel, she's an dutch YouTuber and she's been trough so much! I have so much respect for her. Oh, and they both work really hard for the things they want.

What's the most fun part about having a YouTube channel and a blog?

I think it's the part where you can be you're own boss. You can do what you want, whenever you want. You can create you're own 'place' on the internet where people can go to. And I think that that's pretty cool!

That were a few questions. I hope you guys know me a little better now. If you don't want to miss the announcements I'm posting on Instagram or just want to see a little bit more of my life, you can follow me there! My insta name is @miek.jacobs.

That's it for today, thanks for reading! If you want to get a notification every time I post something, you should definitely subscribe. And I will see you guys next time!

-XOXO Miek


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